1. Why are there duplicated listings in Airbnb?

Due to user's mistake, when they already clicked on the blue arrow to push listing to Airnb, then they clicked on Fetch rooms again, and they mistakenly click on blue arrorw before the listing one more time on and create duplicated listing pushed to Airbnb again.

2. How to delete it?

First, tick to select that listing => click next to Edit => then you will see a box Edit 1 listing in the right => select Sync settings => select Sync everything and Save in the end.

You will see the status of that listing has been changed to Connected in Airbnb, then you are back to Hotel Link mapping page and click on Fetch rooms, they will appear as the new listings of Airbnb in the left, just click to the red cross icon before the listing to delete it, it will be removed from Airbnb too.